The Qualitative Characteristics of CSM™

Main Capabilities of CSM™

Some of CSM™ Qualitative Characteristics are:

Finding the First Available Time Opening of a Salesman

With a push of a button a list of Available Time Openings for a specific Salesperson is accomplished. The subsystem Vardion™ that is responsible for the organization and management of the Personnel Shifts assists behind the scenes in such operations.

Holidays, Absences and Personnel Off Shift hours appear on the Visit Schedules of CSM™. These time periods are locked and thus do not allow anyone to schedule a visit or meeting.

Daily and Weekly Time Schedulers offer great flexibility and ease of use for the Reception or Call Center Personnel maximizing Customer Care.

Quality Control for Services being Offered

To book a meeting between a salesperson and the customer the “Scheduled Reasons” of that meeting must be registered before hand.

At the end of each scheduled meeting with a customer the salesperson is obliged to “Confirm” the services offered and/or the reasons of the meeting that took place.

Under normal conditions the “confirmed” services must coincide with the “Scheduled Reasons” registered previously during the visit booking procedure.

Frequent checks and comparisons on the above mentioned data allows the management to assess the degree of Service Quality offered to its Customers and in some cases to take any remedy actions required to streamline the operations of a specific Salesperson.

Managing Multi Customer Offers and Payment Procedures

The procedural scenarios from the early acceptance of an offer by the customer until the final stage of its completion pose challenges on a daily basis and are directly related to the way your company operates. These scenarios become even more complicated when more than one offers have being issued and are in effect for the same customer.

How do you simplify the customer’s payments in such a manner that you keep him satisfied? The answer is simple. Use CSM™ to Control and Manage Efficiently your Operations!

“CSM™ is capable in 5 simple steps and with almost zero typing to transfer all pending payments of the customer into one global account and issue a global installment plan that could be accepted by the customer.”

That Simple!

Differential Invoicing with One and Only One Price Catalogue!

How is it possible for one to accomplish the task of Differential Invoicing with one and only one price list catalogue to different groups of patients and/or insured members?

"Simply Makes Use of CSM™ !"

We have developed a proprietary mathematical relation that uses one price list and mapping procedures between different groups of patients and treatments offered to accomplish the task of Differential Invoicing. We would be happy to meet with you to present this concept and how may be applied to your daily operations.

The Unbreakable Stock Control Procedures in CSM™

The SmSupplier™ module was designed for Stock Control and Purchasing Procedures in such a way that minimizes the risk for ill conditioned purchases and under the table deals! In addition the database tables are designed in such a way that even the Database Administrator is not able to intervene into the data itself without crashing the program! If the above statement did not convinced you, we would be happy to demonstrate the program to your satisfaction.

The SmSupplier™ Design Philosophy is based on the following 6 cornerstones.

In brief, the personnel may request sales items from different suppliers. Upon management approval, the process of creating separate orders to different suppliers is performed automatically by the program. The quantity ordered is also calculated automatically and depends on the quantity requested, already in stock as well as the one expected. All is left is to fax or mail the orders. The process of registering deliveries, packing slips and invoices is done with almost zero typing. During the whole process, embedded control points make sure that nobody meshes with stock control and mistakes are avoided.

Auto Correlation between Work Units and Cost Centers

The embedded rules in our business model, (C.B.M.™), allow the use of an Organizational Plan that divides the company into:

  1. Directorates,
  2. Sections,
  3. Work Places and
  4. Work Units.

A Work Place is in fact a physical enclosure that has 4 walls and at least 1 door in a building at different geographical locations. A Work Unit is a physical place within a Work Place where an employee may perform any task. Multiple Work Units may be located within one Work Place.

“A Work Unit may encounter Expenses and possibly produce some Income that automatically relate to a Cost Center”

Through this design philosophy, a Cost Center or Work Unit registers expenses and possible income. In addition the expenses and any possible income are registered in relation to an employee and a client/patient.

That Simple!